Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Happy New Year!

It's New Year's Eve, and I'm spending my evening watching TV with my family as most of us have the flu. I've been bed ridden for the past couple of days, but managed to get out of bed today, so hopefully I'll be on the road to recovery soon. 

As 2014 is coming to an end, I thought it was a good idea to think about the positive things that have happened this year.

I trained for Edinburgh's Walk the Walk 2014 Half Marathon with my grandparents and mum, and in June, we did it! We managed to walk 13.1 miles overnight through Edinburgh and over Arthur's Seat! Walking over the finish line was truly an experience that I'll never forget. I still can't believe I actually did it.

I was able to meet my best friend Jyri, of three years (who lives in Finland) for the first time. Not only that, but I got to share that experience with two of my greatest friends, Jordan and Adam whom I recently got back in contact with after a year or so of not talking. We travelled to London to meet him, which for me is a huge deal because I cannot stand busy places, but I managed to cope. I've truly got the most amazing friends in my life and I don't know what I'd do without them. They were so helpful, and looked after me very well. Even though we only managed to see Jyri for a couple of hours, that didn't stop the three of us from going around London. I've never walked so much... and in heels. I'VE LEARNT MY LESSON!

Jordan and Adam also introduced me to their friend, who is from Sweden. His name is Albin, and has become a huge part of my life. As of 27th August, we officially started dating. After my previous heartbreak, I never thought I would find happiness again, and I struggled a lot to get over it. Now after meeting him, everything has changed. I can honestly say that I love him, and I don't know what I'd do without him. He makes me so unbelievably happy, and I want to treasure his love forever. 
I love you, Albin. 

I met James for the first time, who is now a great friend of mine who also gets on with my other friends which is fantastic. He is the responsible one of the group, who has helped me so much this year. I cannot thank him enough for the things he has done for me. I'm very lucky to have him in my life. 

I managed to lose 2 and a half stone, which has been something I've been wanting to do for a long, long time. I can't be happier with what I've achieved. From 11 1/2 stone, I'm now 9 stone! I'm no longer "Muffin Face." I've proved those who doubted me wrong, and have achieved beyond what I was aiming for. 

So many positive things have happened, and as much as there's been horrible memories from this year, there's been experiences that I will never forget and have shaped me into a better person. I'm leaving this year with a smile on my face, and hope that I can keep it for the rest of 2015. 

Happy New Year.